Undo the Firewall is powered by
The True Story.
The True Story is an independent news aggregator service reflecting the most significant current events based on the most relevant and highly cited news reporting from original
sources. We have established partnerships with all major Russian independent news outlets and offer our users an in-depth view on world events that reflects the key facts from each
story. Our service is fully algorithm-driven.
In addition, we provide a widget program for independent media, which serves as a valuable tool for audience engagement. Our widget is placed on more than a dozen Russian media
websites, all censorship-free.
Remarkably, we were blocked in Russia just 3 days after our launch in August 2022, setting a "record" for media startups.
The True Story was founded by Lev Gershenzon, the former head of Yandex News (2008-2012), the largest Russian digital news source. In 2014 Lev permanently moved to Berlin and
founded the technology company Detectum. The True Story service is based on his previous experience in digital news, Detectum's tech team expertise and company's algorithms
Our mission is to promote access to complete, diverse, and reliable news information for the widest audience. To introduce and make usable the critical mode of news digital
consumption while highlighting contradictory information and conflicting opinions. Our goal is to empower the user to choose and evaluate the sources of information and the news
stories coverage.
The True Story is positioned not as a competitor to news outlets, but as their partner. This is why all Russian independent media provide their content to us and significantly
assist in promoting and distributing the service. We are building a distribution system that offers content producers a win-win deal that will improve the news industry's chances
to compete for audience attention.